Saturday, July 29, 2006


Wheres God? Many discouraged believers feel this from time to time about our america of the twenty-first century. The courts have allowed what we call sin to be put into law by allowing abortion (a liberal word for murder), kicking prayer out of our schools, watering down punishment for crimes, and in some cases perverting what has always been the foundation of marriage.

As we look for answers we can look no further than our ownselves. What you may exclaim? It was us who wanted to push music full of sinful lyrics into our airwaves. It was us who stopped talking after supper to our familys, instead we lusted for the phenomenon known as the television. It was us who stopped going to church, stopped baptizing in the river, stopped praying at the alter and cut back our time at church and our services. we are to blame.

God said the heart is despirately wicked and who can know it. The flesh has no good in it. God warns us all throughout his word that we are the problem. The pilgrims, puritans, and englanders left their homelands for a land in which to honor God. Through many trials and obstacles God made a way for each of them. He even guided Columbus to discover this land in which he gave God the glory by naming the land after Christ his Savior.
In all these cases God found a way to answer their prayers and get them to a place where they could all give God the praise and honor and thank him for who he was to them. He was their hearts desire.

Where has our desires gone. Before TV we sat together, ate together, and prayed together and Gods house was our meeting place. Since Satan made these devices available to our eyes, ears, and hearts we have left behind the table, the family room, and the house of God.
One generation left God out and now we are paying the great price. Let us eat together, meet together, and pray together once again so that we can draw America back to God so he will draw near again to us.


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