Saturday, October 21, 2006


Words are our most powerful weapon believe it or not. Solomon who is known as the wisest man to ever live discussed this as much as any other subject emphesizing its importance. How you speak to others will mold society, the person hearing, and yourself in that day and the rest of their lives and yours. You may not know this but you are what you have heard and what you have seen during your life time. What you say really means something to anyone who hears. The old saying words dont hurt is false. Words are the artwork of the world either for God or against Him.

God delights in positive words. They produce life. Building up people with encouragement draws them to listen to you more and helps them grow in a way more bent towards God. The words you say build or breakdown everyone you come in contact with and this we need to examine.
Are we building for God?

The greatest artwork of course is from God. All the words in the Holy book are from God himself to build us up and show us the way with and in love. There are also however words of warning and judgement for our own good. This is not tearing down but building up as well into the person God wants us to be. When Jesus said you hipocrite to the religious leaders in his day he was not actually tearing down but warning them of their tearing down life styles. His harsh words if they would have listened would have saved their very soul. Jesus said he didnt come to be a friend but a sword. He would cause enemys within familys because of his words. Correction was a large part of the words Jesus spoke simply because of one reason. We are not holy and he is. We are bent in sin needing the correction. His words of correction save us. There is a reason for it.
Be careful however that your opinions of judgement dont harm others that will not bring about good. Make sure any hard words towards others is for their bending towards God and not away from him. The old saying truth does hurt is true but be gentle as possible. We are molding every person we meet. They dont know it but you are making a difference in their lives. Be the artist for God. You will make friends and you will make enemys but speak always for the glory of God. Speak in love to all. Be careful with your artwork. If you put a Godly touch on them they may become his masterpiece. Listen to his words, his music, and others who praise him and mold yourself into a masterpiece for him. Do this and you will produce more pieces acceptable to the Master.


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