Thursday, December 14, 2006


Did you know this is the only miracle performed by Jesus in all four gospels. It must be important and it must have made a great impact for all four writers to mention this in their letters. Lets look at some facts about the miracle.

Jesus and the disciples have been teaching the masses and it has been long since they have eaten physically. The disciples tell Jesus to send them away instead Jesus says feed them.
A boy brings them 5 loaves and two fish and jesus miraculously feeds the masses (5000 men and unnumbered women and children). After this twelve baskets are left over.

Now lets look at this will spiritual glasses. A boy brings all the food. All through scripture God has used one man sometimes even a boy to deliver a group of people. Remember David and Goliath. 5 loathes and 2 fish: the number five scripturally is a number of grace while two is the number of witness. In other words this is a true story of Gods grace poured on the people.
5000 is also a number of complete fulfillment of Gods grace since 5 is used with 1000, the number of completeness in God. 12 baskets being left over could be a message to each disciple showing he was God but could also mean since Jesus has shown him who he was now they were responsible to accept him. 12 being the number of government.

The word says they were sheep without a shepherd. Their shepherd had came. After feeding them they said he was the prophet come for Israel. He realized they thought he meant as a literal king over the people so he left and went to a quiet place. They didnt realize he was to be their Savior from themselves. They missed the meaning of the prophecy. Yes he would be their literal king in the new earth but not now.
Did you know mark 6 implys the disciples even had enough money to feed them. Jesus wanted to show himself the Savior. The disciples stepped out on faith and put the fragments of the loaves and fish in the baskets as Jesus had told them. It was also another small step in building their faith unto him. In the future these people left Jesus because they just wanted him for their bellys fulfillment and not for a Savior. Only the disciples stayed with Christ. They got the point.


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