Monday, February 12, 2007


I have heard a lot lately of how the word of God can coexsist with the evolutionary view on the longjivity of the earths age and its components. Can both exsist together?

If we take the seven day creation and say one day with the Lord is a number we cant explain because with him there is no real time element then we can say the bible doesnt refute evolution but can go hand and hand with it. The time element would not be a factor.

What about Adam being formed by God? If we claim that Adam being made from the dust was a long process, as evolution teaches, then we can say yes to God forming Adam and yet not contradicting the formation of man through the time and energy factors evolution teaches. Both can be right without compromise. Especially since it states animals were here before man as God created them a day or two earlier of course with no real time applied if we also claim theres no real time table with God.

The same word used for day in the Hebrew in Genesis 2 is also used in Jonah 1. In other words, a day can only mean a 24 hour time period otherwise the word could not have been used or we would have been given an explaination for the longevity of the creation days.

The word of God says God spoke and it was formed. When Jesus healed he did the same. At his word the body was made whole, the water changed its makeup, the waters calmed themselves at his command, the fish had a coin in its mouth, the fish gathered where he said they would be in the sea, and he raised the dead.
What im saying is, to say God took so much time doing certain things one detail at a time then how could Jesus do things so quickly? Jesus was the word the bible says and that he was with God and the word was God. He was with God at creation and at the word things were made. Jesus did something similar to this at the feeding of the 5000. With a few fish and 5 loathes he fed thousands. He was creating as they put their hand in the baskets. Theres no way around it. If he can create fish in seconds, then he can do the same when it all began.

Maybe out of all the debates and ponderings we forget one thing; hes God. We dont know everything and so we try to explain things we cant understand by our own reasoning. His thoughts and ways are high above ours the word says and this is obvious. Jesus was his example for us to see that he can create, give life, and change things at his command. His words are that powerful. If we doubt the seven actual day creation we only need to look at Jesus and the miracles he did. Its not a mystery after all. God showed us he can do it by Jesus' life. He really is the true example of all things.

We cant truly explain a butterfly, conception, or creation so we make up things that fall miserably short. The rapidness of change of the butterfly and the conception of life from nothing in nine months all show us how flawed the theory of evolution is and so does creation if we look at all the details. It didnt take a sperm millions of years to become an entire being with such intricate parts as an eye not to mention the dna makeup of the individual. We need to look at the earth the same way and just give God the glory.


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