Tuesday, August 01, 2006


It is said that the eyes are the windows of the heart. Most of what we take in in life is what we see making this organ our most pleasurable and also most dangerous. The eyes were the door to sin for us. When Satan enticed Eve to take of the fruit, the eyes of man were opened and they saw their own nakedness. Somehow when their spirit in God was alive they could not see as we do now as sinners. They had a power to not see sin.

There are many warnings in the word for us not to let our eyes control our hearts. David saw Bathsheeba and gazed upon her and the sin was conceived. It was not a glance but a stare. This is a warning. Its the stare that conceives the sin. Other lusts from seeing also are talked about in scripture and not just on our thoughts on fornication like David. Lot saw the plains of Jordan and its flowing waters and he lusted after it. This ultimately led to him and his family setting up their home in the sin citys of Sodom and Gommorah. Once they sin was embedded in their heart it remained. Lots wife when they fled the city, looked back and turned into salt. She had the lust in her heart for the sinful environment. She could not fight the temptation to look back. The daughters then got their father drunk and had sex with their father when they had settled after leaving the citys. They had learned these practices there.

Whats the warning here? Isnt it guard the eyes? Be very careful in what you see because it sets up camp in the heart and the seed always grows. The word tells us to keep our eyes on Christ. He will guide our paths. What you feed your eyes will grow, weither good or bad. If you dont feed your heart with evil that you take in visually, those seeds die. Its so important to Christ, that he warned us to pluck out our eye if it offends us. The warning here is that your lusts from visions can keep you from heaven.

What can we do then? Guard your eyes. Study Gods word and fill your hearts with his desires so that you wont want to look upon sinful things. We now have the Holy Spirit to give us power to overcome this sin. Greater is he within us than he that is in the world. God has the best plans for us and our eyes draw us from that plan. Because its the door to our desires we must always be mindful of the eyes.

The plus in steering away from lusts of the eyes are many. Our wives become so much more special when all of our desires are only focused on them. We can then take advantage of the full fruits of our covenant. You also cut out the desires to want to buy things which also gets us in trouble. The list goes on and on. Just remember the words of Christ and let the Spirit guard the gate. He is the best gatekeeper.


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