Tuesday, October 31, 2006


There is a sad thing going on in America today. We the voters are voicing our oppinion on the same sex marriage agenda but our businesses arent listening. There has to be a change or bad circumstances will come out of this. We need to pray more than ever for America. We are at the crossroads im afraid for the salvation of the nation.

Listen to what God says about things as these: Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
We are becoming a reproach to the world as we blend in with their sins instead of being the becon of light we have always been. Every state that has brought up the ballot to vote on Gods way of marriage or the homosexual agenda has voted Gods way. The people are speaking out but the businesses arent listening. One by one the businesses of America are recognizing same sex couples and giving them insurance. The adoption agencys are letting homosexuals adopt kids into their homes. Our biggest retailer Walmart has now said they will give preferential treatment to gay business owners and are putting gay marriage books into their stores along with Homosexual books explaining the norm of it. Because of how Walmart has cornered the market we as Christians cant ban them like we usually do to show our concern and to take a stand because the only other main retailer of goods seems to be almost as bad. Last year Target said to proclaim happy holidays and took out Merry Christmas because they didnt want to affend anyone. We are going down to sin fast folks. We need to vote and voice our oppinion as much as possible for the times are evil. We need God to intervene. If you want a way to voice your oppinion one way is afa.net. They gather petitions against such sinful agendas. America has forgotten In God We Trust.


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