Friday, December 15, 2006


The differences in Mormonism and Christianity are amazing. Whats more amazing is that Mormons use the King James Bible along side their three books, the Book of Mormon being the main one. The reason this is amazing is that the Bible we know as Gods word teaches the exact opposite as the following teachings by the Mormon Church.

Mormon Teachings:

God was a man.
God had a father.
God also lived on another earth and died for man.
God and Jesus are two different people with fleshly bodys.
We become Gods.
Mormons believe in present day revelations.
Jesus will return in Missouri.
Jesus will set up a kingdom there in Missouri.
We the saints will build him a city there in Missouri.
The book of Mormon on plates dissappeared.
Satan and Jesus are brothers.
Spirit is matter.
We once lived before we were incarnated human.
Heaven will have three different places according to your rank.
Joseph Smith its founder was a prophet more accurate than even Christ in teachings.
The new Jerusalem is a city we build on earth.
The Mormons called polygamy honorable instead of a sin in the past. They changed this doctrine.
Water Baptism saves people not spiritual Baptism.
Even the dead can be saved from a living humans baptism for them.
Mormonism believes in many Gods ruling the universe.
A Mormon believes in the future they will become a God over their own planet.

Todays tipical Mormon will not talk about these things for one main reason: they really care what the public thinks and they want to be accepted and not look out of the ordinary. For the most part they want to be accepted as the label Christian.

The big differences make all the differences in the two. We as Christians believe these main points totally different than Mormonism:

There is one God.
God is spirit.
Jesus and the Father are one.
Salvation is in accepting Christ as Savior not water baptism.
We will not become Gods.
There is no continuous revelation. The word is complete.
There is one heaven and new Jerusalem is in heaven and comes to the new earth.
After death is the judgement.
There is one earth.


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