Thursday, February 22, 2007


Nancy Pelosi and the democrats took control of the house and senate this January after the voters voiced their discussed at the election booths in November over the way the war was going in Iraq. They may have created a monster.

Since the Democratic dominated government took over, most of their bills have had one focus: get God out of America.
Senate one, which was their first bill to pass was against the people who send emails and calls to public offices about certain topics. They wanted to pass a bill that would censor groups from being able to tell the public what is going on in the White House on what is being voted on. They put this bill out there to sensor Christian groups who can get a large majority of their backers to email or write their Senators and Congressmen on certain issues. The bill did not pass but Pelosi is certain she can reintroduce it in the House later this year.
They also introduced last week a bill known as H254 which is a hate crime bill. This bill opens the door to vote against preaching in the pulpit such things as abortion or homosexuality as we Christians see it.
Another similar bill is against preachers on TV and large churches which would also be considered a lobbyist group. This bill states that any group larger than 500 members is a lobbyist organization and would have to pay dues to the government.

All these things suggest two things to us. We need to act as much as possible on these issues. We are being attacked. Nobody but Christians for what we and our founders stand and have stood for; God, are being attacked. These people who have been voted into office, who pray with us when we are in a bad situation like 911, have stood up again and showed us who they really are: God haters.


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