Monday, July 31, 2006


Is there evidence that a big bang occured? Does it even make sense to us? In Gods word we are told that God spoke and things were formed or made. Is this any harder to believe than evolutionists who say things just appeared one day without a designer? Sir Isaac Newton put it this way to an atheist one day:

That a maker is required for anything that is made is a lesson Sir Isaac Newton was able to teach forcefully to an atheist-scientist friend of his. Sir Isaac had an accomplished artisan fashion for him a small scale model of our solar system which was to be put in a room in Newton’s home when completed. The assignment was finished and installed on a large table. The workman had done a very commendable job, simulating not only the various sizes of the planets and their relative proximities, but also so constructing the model that everything rotated and orbited when a crank was turned. It was an interesting, even fascinating work, as you can image, particularly to anyone schooled in the sciences.
Newton’s atheist-scientist friend came by for a visit. Seeing the model, he was naturally intrigued, and proceeded to examine it with undisguised admiration for the high quality of the workmanship. ‘My! What an exquisite thing this is!’ he exclaimed. ‘Who made it?’ Paying little attention to him, Sir Isaac answered, ‘Nobody.’
Stopping his inspection, the visitor turned and said: ‘Evidently you did not understand my question. I asked who made this. Newton, enjoying himself immensely no doubt, replied in a still more serious tone. ‘Nobody. What you see just happened to assume the form it now has.’ ‘You must think I am a fool!’ the visitor retorted heatedly, ‘Of course somebody made it, and he is a genius, and I would like to know who he is.’
Newton then spoke to his friend in a polite yet firm way: ‘This thing is but a puny imitation of a much grander system whose laws you know, and I am not able to convince you that this mere toy is without a designer and maker; yet you profess to believe that the great original from which the design is taken has come into being without either designer or maker! Now tell me by what sort of reasoning do you reach such an incongruous conclusion?’

This is actually a common sense way of looking at this subject. Life teaches us that everything has a creator. Ingredients dont come together to make a cake, they have to have a designer.
Evolution teaches that one thing becomes another but life tells us that a substance stays the same unless their is an outside force causing the change. Evolution also teaches that one organism evolves into another, that an ape became man due to changes in its makeup by mostly atmospheric and climate changes. However, if this is the case why do we still have monkeys and men. Even basic creatures like a tadpole still exsists. Scientists have no answers to these basic observances.

Evolution also says it takes millions of years for macro changes to occur in a species. If thats the case, then how does a moth turn into a butterfly or how does a seed produce a tree in such short time. Even better, how does sperm and an egg produce a living creature who can mature, create, repopulate, and die within one hundred years. All of these points contradict evolution and the teachings of science.

Maybe we should just look at it like Newton and just admit that we dont know everything but one thing we do know; there is a creator, and hes very smart.


America was a growing nation. God had blessed the founders and had begun a new work in a new land. The Holy Spirit had few problems it seemed in this land built on Gods principles. Now the people had a place to worship God freely without persecution or distraction. It seemed they had built a bedrock foundation to carry out Gods plan without a possibility of a government of one religion determining what they could do within themselves. They were free to teach whatever they desired.

This is where Satan steps in. The Church of the early 1800s had one basic doctrine with little variations between a few group of what we call denominations. Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians were the majority of the congregation holding basically the same beliefs. Less than 1 percent were Catholic, the Church they had fled from in England. Then through the freedoms they had new beliefs starting sprouting up.

Joseph Smith began what we know as Mormonism in 1820. He claimed to have found new scriptures that proved Jesus came to America and gave the people a new book to compliment the bible that we all use. Of course no one ever saw these writings on tablets as he had proclaimed as they had mysteriously gone to heaven. Joseph Smith claimed no church had true doctrine so God gave them his true church. Mormonism had begun.

Jehovahs witness began in 1879 with the production of a pamplet called the watchtower.
They claimed that only 144,000 souls would be saved and they they had to work to gain this position. There diligent work has produced one of the largest religions in the United States because of the 144,000 principle.

Pentecostal Charismatic movements began around 1901. This church taught that a seperate work had to be shown to gain access to the Holy Spirit. This teaching made them more holy because they were seeking what God had taught, so they said. The evidence of this Baptism of the Spirit they called it was speaking in tongues. They claimed this is what happened at Pentecost so it is what God requires of all believers to seek.

The Word of faith movement began around 1965 and its main point went even further away than the Pentecostals. Not only do they teach the baptism in tongues but also teach we have all authority as Jesus did in that we can command things instead of having to ask through Christ in prayer and that we are suppose to become rich by our faith.

Modern dispensationalism began by a man named Darby in the early 1800s who believed the Church and Israel were seperate covenants and had seperate purposes by God. To prove this, Darby taught that the 70 week prophecy of Daniel was split and that the last week will not be fulfilled until the last 7 years of this dispensation of time. He also had to teach the church was a mystery from the old testament and not the fulfilment of the new covenant promised to the Israelites that the gentiles would be a part of. This is also how the secret rapture teaching was introduced in America in which people such as Hal Lindsey and Tim Lahaye have popularized.

Satan through such teachings has undermined the Church and has caused the church to be very weak in its power to influence our culture today. Having so many different beliefs has demoralized the nation and caused people to not take the Bible we know and love seriously.
Not only that but being able to get saved in a Mormon or Jehovahs Witness church is almost impossible since Jesus is not taught as the deity that we know he is as the God and creator of us all. Catholicism also in the 1800s grew from more people migrating over here from Europe which also has watered down the Church by its teachings that take the power from Christ and gives it to the Church leaders and Mary. Dispensationalism, which is a basic teaching now in all main denominational churches due to the colleges being founded in America in the early 1900s has also kept us from biblical truths. Due to Schofields teachings which was accepted by college founders in the early 1900s, which were the teachings Darby passed down, religious colleges pushed this doctrine. Satan has pushed covenant theology so far in arears that very few people not only believe in the fulfilment of the new covenant in which Christ implemented at the Lords supper to the apostles but they dont even realize there was a promise in the first place. The whole bible evolves around the new covenant fulfilling the old but this doctrine has been washed under the tides of dispensationalism claiming it to be an end time prophecy. This is a main reason why the bible is so hard for evangelicals to understand because they are taught to look at the word in a particular light which perverts the fluidness of how God wrote the scriptures. Its one of Satans greatest victorys because by making the word hard to understand, people are driven from reading it, therefore changing very little lives within our churches.
Charismatics and the Word of faith movements are now grounded in our culture mainly through television since it has the most eye candy of all the religions. People doing physical things such as playing healer or speaking in unknowns utterances intrigue people to seek what they have. The get rich quick teaching of the Word of Faith teachers also entices followers. Of course the Word teaches us that those that teach gain is godliness (1 Timothy 6:5) should be avoided and that the sign gifts faded with the Apostles (Hebrews 2:1-4).

Because of seperation instead of unity, the body of Christ will continue to be weak in our country unless God brings us together or we are utterly destroyed like the romans and jewish nation of the past. We as true believers of the word should teach against these false beliefs so the light can shine to men that they may have an opportunity to repent. Remember, when it comes to Gods word, silence as his ambassadors is our biggest sin.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


A friend of mine once told me that his catholic father-in-law told him that if a catholic read the bible that they would probably become a protestant. Wow!
Did he just hear himself? I had already studied up on catholics and their beliefs before i heard this so i knew what he was meaning by the comment. Did you know almost every main doctrine of the catholic church is not in the word of God. It amazes me how powerful satan is in blinding so many people but its true. The catholic church is the largest church organization in the world and because it is we should not take it lightly on what they believe and teach their people.

The biggest flaw of the many is the fact that Mary, Jesus' mother, is the central theme and not Christ. Mary is said to be the sinless one who had Christ, therefore he was sinless.
They teach others to pray to her and that she is their strength. Is this wrong? As we look into it did you realize that no verse in the bible gives her special authority or even acknowledges her in any way as a devine being and certainly not as Gods mother. This is another twist on words they use. Yes, she had Jesus, but it was only because she was chosen by God to have the Christ child who was the focal point and not her. It was her destiny chosen by God. Remember, Jesus is the alpha and omega, the beginning and end. He has no mother. They also call her the blessed but even Mary in the scriptures turned the focus back on Jesus as she told the lady who called her blessed of women that the blessed are those who believe in him. She knew Jesus was the one to be looked upon. He was the Savior, not her.

Infant baptism is another teaching of the church. This is also totally contradictory to the word of God. According to scripture you are baptized after conversion to show that you have accepted Christ and that the baptism, as explained in Romans 6, is an illustration of our death to self and a ressurection to him. We are new creatures in Christ and baptism signifys this.
Infant baptism is not in scripture at all. Infants can not repent and accept Jesus. There baptism is on the wrong end of the conversion, if there is a conversion at all.

The priesthood is the main body of Catholic leadership and is their main foundation. according to their teaching, you have to repent of sin through them to God and that they are called by God to be celibate. Is either of these accurate? No. A leader of the church is said to be the husband of one wife. No where is it taught in scripture that a church leader had to be celibate. Paul stated that it is better not to be married because of the hardships that come along with it and that we should marry if we lust after the opposite sex. These are teachings for an individual. scripturally you can be celibate and be a leader in the church but if you have desires then you should marry. This is the correct teaching to us.
As far as repenting to a priest we should also not accept. When Jesus died, the vail of the temple rent intwo signifying we now have access to the Father and that Jesus is now and forever our high priest and only him. Hebrews chapters 7 through 10 explain this. we no longer need priest of men for they were just following Gods orders signifying that the messiah was to come. Once he came the priest of the church were no longer needed. This is why bishops and deacons are talked about in the word as the leaders of the church and not priests. All believers are said to be priests of God since we are all part of his body, he being the high priest.

The Pope and his authority is another amazing position held in the church of Catholicism. He is said to be the head of the church and is referred to as infallible. What does the word say? The bible is clear; Jesus is the head of the church and we are the body of Christ. In other words, we do his works for him while listening to his word for guidance and direction. No man heads his church. Even a preacher is only a part of the body and is in subjection to the word of God.
What about infallibility? Only Christ is said to be sinless and that all should repent and be saved. Having a man in such a position is dangerous in the eyes of God and to most of us is considered blasphemy.

There are many more but the last i will discuss is pergatory. this is a teaching that after you die you go to a place and pay for your sins. Then you can go to heaven. Is pergatory even in scripture? As we look into the subject we find one glaring fact. First, Jesus died and paid our sin debt and two, we are said to be sleeping in the grave until the last day when we are ressurected to Jesus in our new glorified bodys. Paul called it the last trumpet. Martha acknowledged to Christ that she knew he would raise her on the last day. No where in scripture do we go to a place and pay for sin. This is a slap in the face of what Christ did. They are basically saying that his death didn't erase their sin.

As you can see the Catholic church is nothing more than a man made religion, run by men, giving a group of men all the power. You also can see why i made the statement, "where is Jesus?" Jesus is completely missing in their church. Yes they say a few prayers with his name in it but the meat of their church takes all his power away and hangs it on mere mortals who will one day die and be ressurected only to stand before the God they ignored.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Wheres God? Many discouraged believers feel this from time to time about our america of the twenty-first century. The courts have allowed what we call sin to be put into law by allowing abortion (a liberal word for murder), kicking prayer out of our schools, watering down punishment for crimes, and in some cases perverting what has always been the foundation of marriage.

As we look for answers we can look no further than our ownselves. What you may exclaim? It was us who wanted to push music full of sinful lyrics into our airwaves. It was us who stopped talking after supper to our familys, instead we lusted for the phenomenon known as the television. It was us who stopped going to church, stopped baptizing in the river, stopped praying at the alter and cut back our time at church and our services. we are to blame.

God said the heart is despirately wicked and who can know it. The flesh has no good in it. God warns us all throughout his word that we are the problem. The pilgrims, puritans, and englanders left their homelands for a land in which to honor God. Through many trials and obstacles God made a way for each of them. He even guided Columbus to discover this land in which he gave God the glory by naming the land after Christ his Savior.
In all these cases God found a way to answer their prayers and get them to a place where they could all give God the praise and honor and thank him for who he was to them. He was their hearts desire.

Where has our desires gone. Before TV we sat together, ate together, and prayed together and Gods house was our meeting place. Since Satan made these devices available to our eyes, ears, and hearts we have left behind the table, the family room, and the house of God.
One generation left God out and now we are paying the great price. Let us eat together, meet together, and pray together once again so that we can draw America back to God so he will draw near again to us.