Friday, November 17, 2006


We got into this discussion in sunday school last week and there were many different views. As I examined all of the thought processes I came to these conclusions.

First I must say the words of scripture and its teachings are the most powerful words a person can speak and there are many ways we can get the word out to the world especially in this day and time. We have access to give the word out on paper like tracts, sing about God on the radio and television, teaching through way of radio, tv, or in class settings, internet and communication methods in which to reach others, and the oldest and most effective way of witnessing which is our own voices in person.

The two main things we need to be careful of in using these methods is to be in truth aligned with Gods word and the way we present it in tone and expression. As we present the gospel we should remember to do it in love and also remember that the person you are witnessing to will not neccessarily accept what you say, as a matter of fact, most you witness to will not accept Christ. Do it in love and let God prick and move the person as he wills. We are told to be fishers of men and not catchers. Paul states in 1 Corinthians 3 that we are to plant and water and God will give the increase. We are not in charge or responsible for the growth, that is Gods.

The other point is this. Most witnessing if we are doing our jobs is a one time event. We come in contact with someone and present the gospel and never see them again or they are aqaintances like coworkers who we come in contact with who we have little time to witness to. The key to remember is witness in truth and kindness in love but do it as much as possible and that you are not in control of their decision on the words you speak.
You will be able to make close developement with some to help them accept Christ and help them grow in faith but this again occurs only if they accept Christ to begin with.
This is also the rairest witness encounters. Most of Christs encounters were one time events and so will ours be. Just cast that net and throw those seeds and remember God is in charge of the increase.

The wrong way to witness I would have to say first off is false doctrine or untruths about your own beliefs in this case Gods word. The other is our tone. I will say this however. No matter how soft you speak Gods word is powerful and pierces the hearts of sinners and offends most people in some way weither snall or greatly. It is offensive because the person you are speaking to is lost and part of the wrong army. Remember they are on the wrong side and are still in Satans grasp. Only the Holy Spirit can move on them and pull the scales from their eyes and hearts and cause them to see. Again its up to God. There are also I believe many cases in which even a loud forceful witness can cause a great impact. Imagine a man stands on a table in a cafateria or in a public square and starts preaching to all around that they are sinners and are going to hell if they dont change who they are and follow Christ. Some people these days may think thats rude and unneccessary but think about it. This man witnessed to a large group of people in truth at one time. Was this offensive? Of course. Is this what God could have wanted him to do? Absolutely. Before you disagree remember these people: your preacher, John the Baptist, Jesus, Peter, paul, Stephen, Moses, and Noah. All these people did and are doing the same thing and it was effective. It was also Gods will. Just plant the seeds. Just toss the seeds.


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