Saturday, December 30, 2006


Calvinism is a doctrine formed by John Calvin which has five basic principles.
The five principles are as follows:

Total depravity (Original Sin)
Unconditional election (God's Election)
Limited atonement (Particular Redemption)
Irresistible grace (Effectual Calling)
Perseverance of the Saints

In summary these beliefs mean that man after sin was upon him has no ability to live for God.
God by his own will choices then who he will to be his elect since we have no ability to change for God. It is all up to God.
The salvation experience is also a complete inner change which cant be wavered. If you have been changed you will live for Christ until the end of your days. This is called the perseverence of the saints.

A lot of denominations cringe at such teachings and condemned them but then almost completely agree with these teachings as they preach the word of God. I think we need to accept the truth of these teachings to a great extent. Unless God intervenes we cant follow him and if we truly have the Spirit we cant walk away. He has changed us at salvation as Paul explains. We are new creatures.

Predestination is the big bopper so to speak in rubbing others the wrong way. God choosing as he wills is uncalled for as they say but what about Romans 9. He chooses whom he will and he hardens whom he will. We cant run from these teachings all throughout the scriptures. Jesus said Judas was chosen to be the son of perdition. Paul says we are chosen from the foundation of the world. Verses like these are clear in meaning but we cringe in teaching them and I do understand this. They are probably affraid the lost will think they werent meant to be converted so they will not listen. They feel it will in some way hurt Gods calling each soul.
Then again if they are chosen dont you think they will respond when God wills it. Its a hard doctrine to accept but I think the best way to put it is this, We all are called to salvation but few are chosen.

He doesnt want any to perish but for all to come to repentance. This is the biggest verse I have trouble with in believing in this Calvinism doctrine yet there are more verses that lean towards the Calvinistic teaching. How could God want all to repent but not choose them all? This I cant explain. One day we will find out on the other side. We may find out we had a bigger part to play in this than we thought. I doubt it though. I look at myself and see a boy wandering lifes path my way until God intervened. He did it all. He gets all the glory. If he hadnt have had unmerited grace and mercy and stepped in I would have walked my way all the way. Praise God he called and chose me and you.


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