Sunday, April 22, 2007


Students were killed this week as a student with hate in his heart shot up the Virginia Tech class rooms. 32 souls ended at his hands and then he took his own life. A few days later a man walks into his work place at NASA and kills a co-worker. Six years ago Muslim extremists flew planes into our buildings in New York and Washington killing over 2000 people. These are not the norm in the American culture. Why is this happening to us today? First we need to look at the ones doing the evil. Hate in the hearts of the killers is the main driving force. Why this hate? We dont know all the details but one things is evident and that is there is no christian culture or salvation in these parties.
In fact the school incident is not the first. Columbine Colorado a few years ago had the same horror occur. Two kids killed students by entering the school with weapons and then killed at point blank range. We are losing something within our nation. We need help.

God since the 1960s has been slowely removed from our schools. Prayer was voted out and even the word God in the pledge of allegience. We are simply being punished not nessesarily from God but simply from not alowing the word and his teachings in our schools and inhabiting the students hearts. Parents are responsible for their children even more but our schools, especially in a public setting where parenthood is lacking, must have an authoritative God presented to the children. There must be a concious reinforced within them. Maybe both of these killings would not have occured if the ones killing would have heard about a God or mercy and judgement. Sin truly is reigning everywhere in our nation. We need to let God back in to fight these enemys within.


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