Friday, December 01, 2006


You know Satan is very slick. Santa is the same letters as Satan just rearranged. Satan we might as well say invented him. Who else could take a common practice of giving from everyone and within itself be a heavy burden and antichrist. Thats what has happened before our very eyes. A fat man in a red suit, not even our neighbor mind you because he lives so far away, has stolen our sacred holiday known as Christmas. The day in which we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior coming to us has been perverted. Not just a little mind you. In fact it has been flat out stolen from God. Instead of honoring him we forget him in a little game of give and take.

Lights everywhere, money changing hands, borrowing, and rushing are just a few of the things that describe this time of year. We even cut down precious trees and hang lights on them for For looks. For the feel of the Santa season. We borrow money to impress and by doing so burden ourselves. We have turned a manger into a sleigh. A baby into a fat man.
We dont know it but the mastermind of the whole thing is Satan himself. We feel good participating in such a holiday but Jesus we left behind. Kris Kringle instead of Christ. But it doesnt stop there.

We have another holiday as special and as glorious in which we celebrate. The ressurection of our Lord known as Easter. Easter sunday we dress up and go to Gods house to honor Jesus for ressurrecting from the dead giving us hope for eternal salvation and yes this should be celebrated. Something has crept in though and stole his spotlight. A bunny wabbitt. What???
Yes, somehow we as adults give our children candy on easter morning celebrating a bunny who came that night and left them candy. We even hide eggs to celebrate the occasion and associate it to the bunny somehow (bunnys dont even lay eggs). Once again we forget Jesus and give the lost and backsliden another out to not knowing or hearing or honoring our Lord. Satan once again makes a way to blockout the honoring of God and we are responsible. Do yourself a favor. Put less if any acknowledgement on the fatman and the bunny and more on Jesus. He deserves our praise and attention. Jesus' birth and ressurection should be honored.


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